Tuesday, July 1, 2008

And on the 11th day she said let them be beautiful.......

Iv always liked Adam and Eve they have been one of the first stores i went to in SL, and i know a lot share this memory. I feel bad that i didn't think to look there for skins until now because I've been most certainly missing out. This new Jodie line is wonderful, fun make up and a range of tones (I'm trying to go more tanned atm with the silver hair).

Sachi Kindly sent me these two to try out and I'm pretty sure ill be back for more. Although i do like very real textured skins iv always learnt more towards the hand drawn variety. Lovey was my first full set of skins in SL and these Jodie skin share the same porcelain skin quality's that i feel compliments my doll like shape. They have strong highlights without being greasy or shiny looking which is something i find quite common in SL skins. Delicate features, particularly the eyes. I like how shes has lightly used a contrasting eye shadow to the lips. Really makes them pop.

Close Ups Adam and Eve

The Skin packs are sold for 1200l but you get a lot for you money. Each skin comes with and without a Beauty mark option and with and without pubic hair. I don't know about the rest of you but i cant stand it when you realise you forgot your SL wax or you skin doesn't have a no hair option, not a good summer look :P.

They also come with complementary manicures and pedicures for the tone and makeup option, this is a lovely touch i haven't seen yet in skins in SL and i hope it catch on.

Adam and Eve Pic Two

Adam and Eve Pic One

If your wondering were these photos were taken, i built a little set for the. I felt these skins had such a pure look to them i wanted to make the photos have a juxtapostion of slightly outdated decor.

Tp to Adam and Eve Here

Credits (i still seem to have a lot for not wearing very much!)

Darker Skin Tone Outfit

Glanz, Fresh Blue
Lashes: Cake, Bedroom
Jacket: Viva La Glam, Metallic Bomber in Black (i love this thing I've posted it a few times now)
Pants/Undies: Twosome, Mix'n'match purple panties (sale is STILL on 50% off)
Shoes: Adam and Eve, Volar Bisque
Hiar: Armidi, Midnight 1 Future pony
Skin: Adam and Eve, T2 Ember + Matching Nails

Lighter Skin Tone Outfit

Eyes: Glanz, Fresh Blue
Lashes: Cake, Bedroom
Under Wear Set: Love Lace, Augustine in Gold
Shoes: Adam and Eve, Volar Bisque
Necklace: 69, Black and White necklace
Hair: Kin, Liya white
Skin: Adam and Eve, tone 1 Hot Pink

Head Shot
Hair: Truth, dianne in Black and Silver