Metrosexual ~ An urban male with a heterosexual orientation who rejects many macho attributes often linked to masculinity. ...
A lot of my male friends often claim it’s very hard to find interesting men’s wear in second life. In my opinion that’s only half true. I think a lot of men no matter how fashion conscious have to look masculine or main stream other wise we hear such whines as “omg id look like a homo in that”.
Its only in the last few years men have started to wear pink, even now a lot of them will still protest its raspberry or any other equally none feminine sounding colour tone.
Another common thing I’ve found a few people in SL assume is that I am male in RL. Its not true but I do like playing ken dress up occasionally on my avatar. I think because of the obvious challenges with men’s wear in this virtual format it make it’s a lot hard to find good things off the beaten track. A few people may be up in arms but after asking a few of my male friends they told me the mostly shop at Armidi and random. Now whilst both are very good shops no one wants to have the same stuff as everyone else. That completely defeats the whole point of fashion. Call it snobbery but clones aren’t hot.
Although I’ve lumped this in with my fashion schizophrenic posts I’m planning on showcasing a few shops with great menswear later on.
Onto the look:

As you can see I went for a snood as the starting point for this outfit. When I saw this piece in a rather unusual menswear shop I stumbled into today. From browsing round today I’ve seen so many grungy men’s store or punk theme apparel. But if your looking for casual wear outside these two categories and you want something slightly quirky or original. A.C studios is a great place to start. Whilst being rather flamboyant I think if you were to take the outfits apart, they could be tailored to fit most styles.
I’m personally not a fan of bare arms on men. I think it looks somewhat tacky so layering a t-shirt underneath and gloves solved this. I think my gloves obsession is officially a fetish I barley take gloves off. These are from DoMoCo and you’ve all seen them probably 100 times on this blog.
Onto something slightly obscure. Normally cropped trousers on men are a BIG no. You can mentally hear “ankle swingers” as they wander by. But I though by adding the juju cuffs from tres blah (which were free!) to my female GLAM jeans I created an acceptable height for a turn up. I hope no one is screaming faux pa at me currently…

And lastly a quick thank you, I didn’t make this shape so if anyone is admiring it you have Mariya to blame. I think this is the male version of her shape. (I knew there was a reason I looked better :P) ty M
What’s Man Marni Got On?
Hair- Truth- James
Skin – Tap/Fleur (it was a freebie froma treasure hunt a while back) – Mens Dapper
Eyes- Decollage- Blue Eyes
Shirt + Snood – a.C Studios – Male Winter Red ( SURL below)
Belt – Armidi- Silver Belt
Gloves – DoMoCo- Red
Jeans – GLAM- Denim Coal Wash
Jeans Cuffs – Tres Blah- JuJu Cuffs
T-shirt – Versteck- White Stripes
Shoes- Tesla- White Oxfords
Marni – slightly deeper voice - Grut